
Currently our meetings are at 8am Central Time every Thursday.  The 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month we meet at CASA GARCIA's Mexican Restaurant in Round Rock off I-35, and the 2nd and 4th Thursday is on Google Meet - If you are a member or invited to the meeting, you will be sent an email with the link.  In Person Meeting it is recommended to get to the restaurant by 7:45 am to order and mingle with our members.

Recommended Time Allocation : 7:50 AM to 9:10 AM (approximate)


Pre-Meeting Networking

Call to Order (8:00)
Welcome to Round Rock Referral Network
Includes: Purpose, & Expectations
30-second Elevator Speech (all attendees)
10-minute Presentation (Featured Member of the Week)
Announce Referrals & Shout Outs - Please raise hand
Membership explained
Meeting Conclusion (9:00- 9:10am)